This is Senator Harry Reid's (Democrat, Nevada) autobiography and commentary.
I'll excerpt from page 285, where Sen. Reid writes about President George W. Bush:
"He has been bad for America and for the world. And he will leave severe, long-term damage in his wake.Sen. Reid's recollections of his life are interesting. His commentary on the state of affairs in the United States is horribly depressing, which is to say, accurate.
In addition to getting us entangled in a needless war, in the wrong country, under false pretenses, and in addition to giving up the fight against the true culprits of 9/11 to get us into that war, and in addition to compromising our moral standing in the world, the Bush administration's blithe disregard for the Constitution and for the balance of powers written therein has led us to have a government that sanctions torture and spies on its own people without cause. In perhaps the most troubling development of all, his government has devised a theory of executive power that is so thoroughly unconstitutional and so un-American that it may take years after Bush and Cheney are finally gone to fully expurge its effects from our national affairs. Here I speak of the so-called 'unitary executive' theory espoused by this White House, which holds, essentially, in the immortal words of Richard Nixon, that if the President does it, that means it's not illegal."
To quote him one more time: "January 2009, the twenty-first century truly begins."
Let's hope so.