Friday, May 9, 2014

Luminarium, by Alex Shakar

This book was not easy to read, in that it wasn't all that much fun even though it did hold my interest right up to a rushed and rather unsatisfactory ending.

The concept is that Fred and George are identical twins, and had been co-CEOs of a New York based software startup that builds virtual worlds.  They were ripped off (or hostilely acquired due to their inexperience and/or incompetence, hard to say).  It is 2006 and 9/11 memories are still strong for all the characters in the novel.   George ends up in a coma.  Fred is a bit of a nut case loser, and the hero of the story.  He becomes a subject for a neurological study while believing himself to be communicating with his brother through some ambiguously defined computer network.

Yes, it sounds intriguing enough to pick up, but after having read it I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


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