Saturday, August 21, 2010

Medium Raw, by Anthony Bourdain

This book is food porn.  And I'm really not in the target demographic:  I like to eat, sure, but I'm not into cooking in any meaningful way, and I don't care about chefs one way or the other.

Two fun little chapters, though, are worth mentioning.   It seems Mr Bourdain works hard to convince his young daughter that Ronald McDonald is a bad person who abducts children, to program her to avoid the fast food restaurant.  He even suggests wrapping horrible food in McDonalds' wrappers to get the message through.  Yikes, but funny.

In another chapter, he describes his frustration with factory provided meat, particularly hamburger, and bemoans the model that allows all sorts of horrible  e-coli -friendly junk to make it into the pre-made burger patties at the local grocery.

Is the book worth reading for these two amuse-bouches?  Nah.

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