The notions of this book are consistent (and somewhat redundant with; you can even see the copy and paste sharing of passages from other books) with Walker's fundamental theme: stick to a plant based, raw diet and life will be good.
I was devastated, however, to read that "Beer is probably the most destructive liquid which we can put into our system." [Page 54.] Might have to ignore that claim, lumping it with the goofiness of suggesting that soy meat substitutes be avoided because "...the protein-digestive juices are alerted to care for concentrated proteins, as the mind vicariously enjoys the flavor of meat. ... The result is the indigestibility of the food with repercussions of toxemia as the end product." [Pages 60, 61.]
Oh boy.
I also notice that in this book, Walker has claimed not only his usual DSc degree, but also a PhD. No, it isn't polite to snipe. But really...
Bottom line: hey, how can you argue against eating fresh fruits and vegetables?